hey peeps, i'm back from wad i thought was a disgusting night whr i found out tat thr are so many saddistic ppl in Cambodia and the countries around it. omg!! they actually torture animals for food!! dun wanna talk abt tat..make me wanna puke! mum's cousin also brought his wife to be(from Cambodia..met ar work) i honestly thought tat she was not tat pretty although everybody..n i mean EVERYBODY says so. then when i told mum, she went on blabbering rubbish..saying tat i was biased! (if u know wad i'm talking abt) but for me..the person she compared to beats mum's cousin's wife to be HANDS DOWN!! FACE FLAT TO THE GROUND!! WAHAHAHA!!! anw..went to Helping Hand to look for Happie. tat was the only reason why i tagged along if not i would be sleeping at home due to boredom! wahahaha. but Happie wasn't thr!! my sis cried. Rofl. then uncle chia, the CEO thr said tat he took Happie home cos he injured his paws. not used to the rough roads, too pampered at home!! anw..Happie's still walking with a slight limp but it's much better than before.not as active but still crazy over food and his toys! 

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