Monday, April 27, 2009

got nothing to are some old photos i dug out...

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

back aft 2 days of fever..OMG!! y of all days must be near MYE!! back to sch tmr. nth much to say except that i'm rushing to revise everything!!'s the pic. look at the the ppl behind...

Sunday, April 12, 2009

i'm finally back. woohoo...past few days hav been i at expo hall 8. haha..doubled svcs for 2 days..but the drama was awesome although not funny as last year whr thr was fast&prayer. the message tis yr was stronger. mid yr exams are coming!!! got to start studying alr!! also..tis is a Gibson Les Paul Custom.. a joker too much bought it.over 5k. we were discussing that tis was a fake piece as the binding was a bit fake n it did not come with a Gibson USA case..which should hav for every Gibson..and considering tis is a very high end waste money piece. also adding the fact thatif u hav no skill y get such a guit? attracting attention? most probably. even musos on stage dun buy tis piece..y? waste $$. haha. YQ rocker.