DAY 1 : met jolynn thn went to yishun to meet agnes eat mac 1st. tat will be our last 'good' meal for the nxt 3 days. thn waited for sharry n irene to come thn go pres high. while waiting for registration to start, played gw's guitar for awhile. after registering, went up to seminar for camp briefing. I'm in ROCK2, actually it's all the members of elite2be a.k.a derrick's, willie's n doro's. n ROCK stands for Relying On Christ our King. woohoo!! next..telematch..went around playing diff sorts of games n got water bomb somemore. got wet. haha. sessions with pst. CK. lay hands. lights out 2.45 a.m. woke up at 6. only got 3 hrs of slp.
DAY 2 : morning devotion followed by sports. thn evangelistic meetings. 1st one was for secondary level thn tertiary. sonia sang. video below. after tat got buffet..thx to doro..if not we no food liao. wanted to ton..but derrick come chase us n some other ppl to our bunks..big kee liang also..wah..damn fierce la. high ranking guy in the army.
DAY 3 : morning devotion thn session wit pst. he layed hands on mentors thn mentors layed hands on us. fell twice. 1st was a i dunno hu brother. thn yong qiang!! finale n home sweet home.
Sonia's song item
Camp Brief

Pic wit Pst. CK on the 2nd nite. (left to right) Krystle, me, Angelin, Pst. CK, Guowei, my sis n Jingting