Saturday, December 29, 2007
woohoo!! lol..came back from appreciation cg..quite fun luh..i tink me n jin cai screwed up on the moving so onli lo, but...edible..doesn't coz stomach ache..can alr la..went there by bus n............i was lyk half n hour early!!!! mum told me the ride would take 1 n a half hr...thn go central walk walk waste item by xing, sonia(did i spell correctly?), joe n ronald so the funny..halfway ronald take a rotten banana n pretend to be singing thn the other 3 dance so funny!! lol..thn special performance by nat..eugene n irene..very the powerful eugene has done it again on his guitar..irene on the piano sounded great..nat singing...erm...better than me!! haha...supposed to be a electric guitar playing..go where liao? sounded great on the acoustic...kk..tats all for
Friday, December 21, 2007
nth much to say reali..ytd went to bugis to get presents 4..*cough* n *cough* ask me personally if u wanna noe...went wit jojo, jt, gw, n bernard...bought 4 jojo n jt too. thn bernard oso buy clothes for his gf...wanted to buy money larhs!! wait until A&B over thn buy another 1. lols. the other 1 getting tml from *cough* n *cough*.....dun wanna coz any misunderstanding..haix. jus now went to gw hse learn guitar. nat came. learn halfway..see fuzz..thn ordered video nat playing my redeemer lives n i was the irritating singer!! quite nice de lo...thn gw go usher support thn me n nat go make my NEW specs...woohoo..but nxt fri thn can nothing else to say alr.
Monday, December 17, 2007
hihi...bac again. ytd svc very the funny..dunno y pst. kong so high tat aft..maybe becos expo cant coz the world watching thn at jurong no his title was JUST SHUT UP! unexpected..but ya..dun tink any church in singapore would hav tis kind of title anywhere. haas..CHC rocks! he talk singlish damn funny.."when u gonna tiger walk thn u reach the poppet..thn u say the air-con hot or not at..if hot i call surach open big big for u" thn there's another 1.."if u no bible ar..see ur neighbour have a not thn u all share share la hor"....jus by speaking like tis aft u do the tiger walk will bring ur reputation down down n down...sad la. of coz pst. kong does not n will not speak tats all..i tink...gonna buy presents later..jt..jojo...hw...bel...still got hu? lol...ask n u will receive..
Thursday, December 13, 2007
here r some of the pics frm BREAKAWAY CAMP '07!!
Worship 1

Worship 2

Dance/Cheer Choreographing...where am I? Behind Bruce.

Dance/Cheer Choreographing 2

Together in a circle...B-Boy Bruce gonna do something

Smaller circle...Bruce is already on the floor

Back to choreographing...

Choreographer Sen Cai finally shows up in the picture. Giving instructions to Bruce & Louise

Instructions 2

Circle again.


There's Louise and Nat...I look stupid..Jin Cai emo-ing..Jun Hua sleeping?
Worship 1

Worship 2

Dance/Cheer Choreographing...where am I? Behind Bruce.

Dance/Cheer Choreographing 2

Together in a circle...B-Boy Bruce gonna do something

Smaller circle...Bruce is already on the floor

Back to choreographing...

Choreographer Sen Cai finally shows up in the picture. Giving instructions to Bruce & Louise

Instructions 2

Circle again.


There's Louise and Nat...I look stupid..Jin Cai emo-ing..Jun Hua sleeping?

Tuesday, December 11, 2007
hmm...k..past few days was rather boring, haas. ytd..went to stagmont to play bball wit yongyi play until 9 lyk tat thn we chatted abt *** things thn he went home thn i oso went home lor..thn chatted wit verlin thn went 4 night...played guitar awhile thn chatted wit her while doing devotion till abt 11 plus ba...thn tis morning chatted wit her again thn went 4 lunch at yew tee..supposed to go training thn jojo n gw called me ask me go play guitar since gw helping me to tune..stayed there till 630 thn eat dinner wit gw thn went home..n now still chatting...finally learned 1 song..heart of worship but still got alot of improvement to be made!
Friday, December 7, 2007
YO!! back frm BREAKAWAY CAMP!! it was awesome!! the messages preached were reali able to impact our lives, especially in the world today, 1 was on time travel...he showed us a clip frm 'click' n asked us to think abt wad were some of the moments in our lives we could change if we could travel back in time, the clip shows tis guy, too engrossed in his work n even neglecting his father as he comes into his office n even scolded him, imagine ur father jus asking u to slp early or take a bath frm a tiring day n u say things like later la or y everytime call me so early bathe, how will he feel? he is jus concerned 4 u. as the problem worsens, ur relationship weakens, leading to probably, rebellion? cursing? thn u regret wad u had done n can't forgive urself becos of wad u did, solution? lift the problems up to God. He's the onli way. camp was fun overall, met new ppl, enjoyed myself n most of all, felt the power of God. during the camp, i reali felt tat the presence was jus so great. missed home though..slept onli 2 hrs a night, hard floor la...1 more thing pastor chee kiang encourages all believers to do is to devote some time to read the r some of the ways he shared: 1. signs (+, -,) beside verses. 2. online. 3. summarising. now, devotion is not jus plain staring at a book and reading blindly..guess tats
Sunday, December 2, 2007
bac in blogging..sat..morning went to meet guowei go print songsheet, i reached marsiling so early dunno do wad there, wait n wait, thn finally he come. we go chong pang print thn went to coffe shop buy drinks n bee hoon 4 refreshment thn went to willie hse. printed songsheet wrongly(crap!), got the title wrong..aft cg, took a quick drink thn left to do return n11, reached just in down at admiralty followed her, huiwen n vanni go mac eat ice-cream thn i call guo wei come down(wanted to send her home...sadded), aft they left, we went to causeway see guitar n com stuff, planning to buy razor stuff..1st svc bac at jurong was just GREAT, so packed n onli 1500 moved but the hall was so so so packed n ppl gotta even sit on steps. aft svc went to roof garden for FREE donuts frm Donut Factory, thn went to pizza hut celebrate sis b'day, n now i'm bac home, bored, reali wan to talk to her..miss her voice..alrights, got nth to say alr..
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